6 Technology Tips to Help Your Small Business Grow

15.12.15 10:20 AM - By integration

Making the most of new technology to grow your small business and improve communication, record keeping and efficiency means more than just using computers and smart phones. That said, it doesn’t have to be hard to be a technical whiz.

Using the right technology, software and apps makes it easier than ever. Here are 6 easy ways technology can be used right now to improve communication, accountability and efficiency in your small business.

Banking on the Go

These days, nearly all banks have mobile apps that let you pay bills, check in-going and out-going payments and, of course, check your account balances when you’re on the go.

Create a Cloud Backup

Most of us already use the cloud every day. Any time you store information or files online, you’re using it. Whether you’re saving photos and videos from your phone, sending files over services like Dropbox or even using Gmail; you’re using cloud technology. Backing your data up to the cloud is a far better alternative to backing it up to your hard drive. Keeping your back up files on the same hard drives as software and the original files puts you at risk of losing everything if anything happens to the drive. Using a cloud solution like Dropbox removes this risk but it has other benefits too, like the ability to share files with other people (like your accountant) with the click of a mouse. Keeping the backup files off your hard drive also frees up that space for other things.

Use a Simple Accounting System

Excel spreadsheets are a slow, time-consuming way to prepare accounts; and yet many small businesses still use it. With a simple cloud accounting software you can instead complete statements, invoices and payments, and access them easily whenever you need them.

Get on Social

69% of Australian internet users connect on social media every day, making it an important way to the word out about your business. Social media is most effective when you focus on just the best channels for you and create a plan in advance. The most popular platforms for businesses  Twitter, Facebook and Instagram  are easy to manage and post to from any mobile device.

Get Connected

Skype is a great way to hold meetings and conference calls using video or just voice, and saves trips out of the office when meeting with clients, prospects, partners, suppliers and even off-site employees.

By arming your small business with the right technology, software and select apps, your business can connect better with customers, improve invoicing, payments and bookkeeping, hold international meetings and improve efficiency across the board.
